- Ph.D. - Statistics
University of Wyoming - 2000
- M.S. - Marketing Research
Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville - 1995
- M.S. - Statistics
Ohio State University - 1991
- B.S. - Mathematics
Syracuse University - 1989
- Professor of Statistics - August 2000 to present
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
California State University, Long Beach
- Coordinated, advised & taught in a Professional Accelerated MS Applied
Statistics program at California State University, Long Beach. I worked with
leaders from industry (starting with Boeing) to set up the program &
recruit the students. The program’s first class began in Spring 2004 &
went through Summer 2009. The program attracted highly skilled employees
from many of Fortune 500 companies & other major influential companies in
the region including: Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Farmer’s Insurance, Kaiser
Permanente, US Healthcare, Raytheon, among numerous other companies. The
program brought in $841,219 in revenue over four years.
- Initiated & developed the Master of Science in Applied Statistics at
California State University, Long Beach. The program became official
September, 2009. This follows the Master of Science in Mathematics, Option
in Applied Statistics that I initiated & developed in Fall 2003. The MS in
Applied Statistics is currently the single largest graduate program in the
whole College of Natural Science & Mathematics. It is one of the most
successful graduate programs on campus. Placement from this program into
quality jobs in the field of study is one of the highest on campus.
- Director of the Statistical Consulting Group (SCG) at California State
University, Long Beach. I managed many graduate students & other faculty
in getting statistical consulting contracts. These consulting contracts
involved many departments on campus & also companies from off campus. In
addition, I worked with the graduate students & faculty analyzing &
reporting results for the clients, 2006 to present
- Completed American Society of Quality Six Sigma Black Belt Management
Training, November 2009 through March 2010.
- Created or co-created many senior level & graduate level statistics
courses including: Actuarial Science: Models, Actuarial Science: Financial
Mathematics, Computational Statistics, Data Analysis with SAS, Data
Informatics, Data Mining, Multivariate Statistics, Statistical Analysis of
Medical Data, Statistical Simulation, Survey Sampling, Time Series, among
- Created the nationally recognized SAS Data Mining Certificate program at
California State University, Long Beach in cooperation with SAS Institute,
2006 to present.
- Coordinator for national conference on quality entitled “Joint Research
Conference on Statistics in Quality, Industry & Technology” to be brought
to the California State University, Long Beach campus in 2012. This is an
annual national conference in quality & productivity (sponsored by the
American Statistical Association) with academics & industry people working
on how to run companies/programs to be as productive & efficient as
possible sharing techniques & ideas for better quality.
- Vice President of the American Statistical Association Southern California
region, 2007 to present
- Graduate Advisor for the Applied Statistics Master's program, 2003 to 2010
- Undergraduate Statistics Advisor, 2002 to 2010.
- Led the College of Continuing & Professional Education (Extension)
Advisory Committee as Chair of the Committee & have been a member of the
Advisory Committee from 2007 to 2010.
- Initiated & developed the Minor in
Statistics. The program became official in 2003.
- Coordinator of the SAS Summer Program for Educators Teaching Data
Mining. This is a week-long workshop held annually each summer on the CSU
Long Beach Campus from 2005 to present. Faculty from all over the world,
including Asia, South America, Europe, come to this workshop.
- Academic Advisor of the Year by the Associated Students, Inc. at
CSULB. This award in 2007-2008 was only given to one advisor in the entire
- Data Informatics
- Data Mining
- Experimental Design & Analysis
- Finite Math
- Honors College Algebra
- Mathematical Statistics
- Probability & Statistics
- Quality Control
- Regression Analysis
- Statistics for Everyday Life
- Time Series
I have published over 20 peer-reviewed journal articles. Some of these
journals include: American Journal of Epidemiology, The American
Statistician, Applied Stochastic Models in Business & Industry,
Educational Research Quarterly, Intelligent Data Analysis, Journal of the
American Society for Information Science & Technology, Journal of
Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Mathematics & Informatics Quarterly, Missouri
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Proceedings of The International Joint
INNSIEEE Conference on Neural Networks, Psychological Reports, Public
I have given over 30 presentations at scholarly conferences across many
disciplines at conferences such as: Annual Meeting of the American Public
Health Association, Annual Society for Epidemiologic Research Meeting,
Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference, Decision Sciences
Institute National Meeting, International Epidemiological Association
Conference, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Joint
American Mathematical Society National Meeting, Joint American Statistical
Association National Meeting.
- Co-PI on approximately $750,000 grant from the Tobacco-Related Disease
Research Program (TRDRP) from the state of California, 2007-2010. The
purpose of the grant was to study factors influencing the high smoking rates
of Cambodian Americans. I was in charge of the sampling & questionnaire
design & all of the statistical analyses.
- Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics "Bridges to the
Baccalaureate" Grant, 2009. Project involved statistical analysis assessing
the effect of nutritional labels on what, & how much, people eat.
- Co-PI on approximately $200,000 NSF grant, "Implementing WebWork in the
CSULB Teacher Training Curriculum," started, 2003 to 2006.
- Co-PI on approximately $175,000 NSF grant, "Enhancing & Implementing
an Internet-Based System for Mathematics Homework Problems," 2002 to 2005.
This involved a statistical assessment of the effectiveness of our
internet-based homework system for our lower division mathematics classes.
- University Grant, Scholarly & Creative Activities Award, 2003 to 2004.The
title was "Statistical Survey Design & Analysis of Alcohol Use by College
Students in Relation to Acculturation, Ethnicity, Behavior & Attitudes."
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